Change Management

Fit for change: We help you create a framework for change management to success, to prepare your staff for the imminent changes, to establish your executives as change leaders, and to foster an honest culture of dialog.

Companies are subject to constant change. A shifting environment in terms of markets, competitors, suppliers, or customers, also a variety of external influences on the company such as globalization, statutory requirements, technical developments, telecommunications, or economic and social transformation, require constant realignment. But it is not just the tasks and activities: even the underlying conditions such as resources, skills, processes, conditions, speeds or complexities are developing constantly.

Time and again, responsible executives in organizations seeking to assert their position on the marketplace will need to rethink their strategies and operative management in order to adapt suitably to ongoing changes.

The structure and development of entrepreneurial structures, processes, and values, also analysis of the attitudes of employees toward change, are of key importance here. This will not be possible without changeability anchored deep within the organization itself.

HR management is called upon to create the general framework for successful change management, and to equip the employees to overcome the imminent change processes. Also, the company must foster a willingness to accept change by communicating a suitable value system, leadership principles and instruments, and by nurturing a culture of open dialog. Executives must be empowered as change leaders, and need to be involved actively in the entire process.

This way, the change management process will become part of the company's DNA.

Our services

  • We review the strategic alignment based on the changing market circumstances, support organizations and processes during the phase of alignment, and accompany them throughout the cultural transformation
  • We conduct systematic analysis of the necessary changes, and support you in the design and execution of integral change management architectures
  • We define a clear project framework with targets, opportunities & risks, realistic milestone and resource planning, a communication schedule, cost and success controlling, and professional process support
  • We develop communication concepts that are tailored to your specific target groups and that relate directly to the planned change
  • We produce change toolkits containing action guidelines for executives
  • We provide coaching, training, and workshops with executives and employees to accompany the cultural transformation
  • We conduct surveys and interviews to ascertain changeability within the specific project
  • We act as coaches and sparring partners throughout the change management and implementation processes
  • We translate change processes into suitable HR instruments and processes